Nikon SLR Cameras

What is a really good digital camera to buy?


I do not know too much about what to look for in cameras. I have Nikon s9100, to me it is fast, but pictures come out blurry. I'm looking for a camera that is fast, great zoom, good flash. Any recommendations? I liked that canon s95 but I read it is a little on the slow side… I like more a Canon. Or a Nikon but I'm open to other brands.


If photos from your Nikon S9100 are coming out blurry, try fixing that problem before you decide on buying a new camera.
Blurry photos are essentially caused a shutter speed that was too slow, which leads to 1) camera movement or 2) subject movement. To fix this problem, you can use a wider aperture (which I don't think is an option on your camera) and/or boost the ISO setting. That should make the shutter speed faster.

But if you are planning on upgrading your camera anyway (not because of blurry photos from your current one), then yes, the Canon S95 would be a great choice. It has an f/2 lens which will aid in using a faster shutter speed, so I don't know who said that it was "slow."
On the other hand, it doesn't have great zoom. If you want something with a longer optical zoom range for about the same price, the Canon SX30 is definitely one to consider.


You should check out Olympus E-PL1, it costs less than 350 dollars, and image quality is as good as a dSLR. The camera itself is pretty small and reliable. You can't compare E-PL1 to Canon s95, because Olympus has 10 times larger sensor and so 10 times better image quality.
Here are a couple of picture I shot with E-PL1 yesterday, just to show you an example of what you can do in $350