What are some really good digital photography for beginners books?

I'm looking for a book with very great breakdown and step by step tips on how to use an SLR. It's for my roommate and she just bought a Nikon SLR recently, but does not know how to use it, except to point and shoot.

Scott Kelby books!
Here's the first book: http://www.kelbytraining.com/product/the-digital-photography-book.html

If you do a search online you will find hundreds of tutorials and "how to" web sites with all the information you could ever want! There are even videos available and forums where you can ask specific questions.

The scott kelby books make great gifts, but everything in those books can be found on the web. Especially random youtube videos.
I might suggest a real photobook from a photographer. Check your local bookstore. A great way to learn is to appreciate and even imitate others. Any bookstore will have a variety of books for you to choose from. I suggest to find a subject matter that appeals to your friend. Landscapes? Portraits? Etc

An EXCELLENT book here that will help greatly:
- What are some good books in learning photography?
- What are good photography books for enthusiasts?
- I'm giving my sister my old Nikon D90. Are their any books out there that are real simple in explaining the Basics of Photography?
- Photography? How to take really good pictures with just a plain digital ca, era?
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