What is a camera that is as good as the new iphone 4S?

I really want a new camera for christmas. I'm looking for a camera that is HD and i have an iphone 4S and that camera is really great. I want a camera that takes PHENOMENAL photographs that is portable and great maybe a kodiak or nikon some camera like that but it doesn't have to necessarily be those brands just so you guys get the picture of what camera I'm talking about.

How much are you willing to spend? Main question!

1. HD is a video term. It denotes 720p (1mp) or 1080p (2.1mp) video.
2. I, too, have heard great things of the iPhone 4s camera as a cellphone camera. You can get better results with pretty much any point and shoot camera since they have a larger sensor, upon other things.
3. Kodak sucks, stick with Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Sony, and Panasonic

If the iPhone 4 camera is so good, why would you need a "real" camera?
Anything on the market can outperform the iphone… You apparently have nothing else to compare with.

If you're in to DSLR, it's the lens that make the photos look good. Just get a dslr if all you want is to just take photographs.