Nikon SLR Cameras

What dslr lens and camera to get?


I want to get a DSLR camera, but I'm not sure what type to get. Should I get a Canon, Nikon, or something else? What kind of lens would be a good investment to buy for taking regular pictures? I like taking pictures of family events. What should I look for when buying a camera/lens?

My friend told me just to get a Canon G11 since it's easier to use, but I really want to try out a DSLR.

Jim A
Jim A

Well yes there are several on the market. Since you sound this will be your first dslr may I recommend what I own and know, the Rebel XS from Canon. It's an excellent camera capable of very high technical quality… I know, I've had mine for well over a year and I'm getting excellent stuff from my XS.


Both canon and nikon are good cams