Nikon SLR Cameras

Could i get a cheaper nikon fisheye for my nikon d70s and just get a lens adapter?

Daniel Ndoinjeh
Daniel Ndoinjeh

Could i get a cheaper nikon fisheye for my nikon d70s and just get a lens adapter?

You Make My Brain Hurt
You Make My Brain Hurt

Why would you need an adapter?

Ryan Reisert
Ryan Reisert

Most Nikon fisheye's will run you up past $400.
If you don't want to spend that much, then get an adapter for your lens. It's going to be nowhere near the quality of a real fisheye, but it should work.
Also, Lensbaby makes a fisheye optic so you might want to check that out too.


Look into Samyang 8mm f3.5 fisheye for less than $300.It is sold under multiple brand names, Pro Optic, Rokinon, Vivitar and Bower. On your camera the lens is manual focus and no meter coupling and on some Nikons like D200, D300, D300s, and D7000 it is aperture priority auto exposure if you upgrade someday. Look on Flickr for photos taken with this lens.