Nikon SLR Cameras

What is the newest version of a canon dslr camera and what's the newest nikon dslr camera?


Also which would you recommend? Which is better for landscape photography? Which is better for sports? Which is better for portraits? I'd like all these answered thanks!

Awffy Huffy
Awffy Huffy

Who cares?

I look at the specifications, features and functions on a camera… Any camera… Canon, Nikon, Pentax/Ricoh or Sony… Work out which features are the most important to how I work and will help me get the results I expect… And then I go into my local camera dealer/store and handle the item just to make sure it's the best choice…

You could visit your country's Canon and Nikon websites… And do the research yourself… Or is that too much trouble for you?

Great shots are more or less the result of the photographers skill and experience… The camera isn't the most important part of the equation… Although some cameras are better at handling certain subjects compared to others… If you can't operate a camera properly in the first place then the best camera for sport, landscape or studio work doesn't matter… Your shots will be mediocre at best.


I would recommend that you find out for yourself, and see what other manufacturers have to offer. Remember, the camera hasn't been made that comes with the skill and experience to use it properly, and a DSLR in unskilled hands is a paperweight.

There are too many idiots carrying around shiny new Canons and Nikons they haven't a clue how to use.