Nikon SLR Cameras

What Camera Is Best To Buy?


I'm really interested in buying a DSLR camera and i'm stuck between 2 cameras.
it's either the:
Nikon 3100
Nikon J1

Please help me and tell me which camera is best? I'd greatly appreciate it.

And I will basically use the camera as personal and for photography purposes.


You should use the compare tool on the Nikon website.

Near the bottom of the page, you'll see a button that says "Compare Tool"


If you're going to buy one of them, I would definitely recommend the D3100. The J1 is not a REAL dslr, it's more like a hybrid compact/dslr camera… The D3100 is a proper DSLR especially if you are interested in photography and it's also cheaper…


The Nikon D3100 is an excellent entry-level DSLR. Could you pay more to get a "better" camera with
"more features"? Absolutely. But why? Would you use those features? I looked long and hard at
several in my research before buying - the models I considered were the Canon T2i, Canon 60D, the
Nikon D90, and of course, the Nikon D3100.In the end, I decided the extra features on those other
cameras were features that I likely wouldn't use. I'm interested mainly in taking lots of pictures
while traveling -- pictures of clouds, landscapes, maybe some street photography. I wanted a
smaller, lighter DSLR with good battery life and great image quality. The D3100 delivers on all