Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Where can i make my own nikon 'i'm' logo?

I need to make the nikon 'i'm' logo, to suite my needs.anyone know how to adapt it?
the logo is below.

&w=1400&h=875&ei=gcQ6T9j1A8_c8gPU-cWECw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=445&sig=108839015060488355581&page=1&tbnh=88&tbnw=141&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429, r:1, s:0&tx=79&ty=43

5 answers

What lenses better to use for engagement session?

I have nikon 50mm 1.4 G and 24-85 2.8. I need someone opinion what lenses better to use for engagement session? I'm thinking to rent 24-70 for that instead of 24-85? Is it good idea?

2 answers

Pictures randomly became unreadable?

I had a bunch of family pictures on a folder in my computer and no about half of them are not able to be opened up. It just randomly happened. They are JPG's. This seems to happen on my camera sometimes too. I have a nikon dslr and sometimes pictures I take come up as red x's! Wtf

Strait Up Suburbanite
6 answers
Strait Up Suburbanite

I plan to start photography, any advice on cameras?

Friends have praised my pictures before with standard cameras, but I never really took it as seriously, but now, I'd like to have it become a hobby of sort for myself. My dad and aunt are really into it, and I think it'd be something I like. I'll go in the woods around my area and on trips I take to other places and focus on taking the best picture I can from different angles, but of course, in a way that I THINK, not really well thought out or in a way where I know what I'm doing. Anyway, I also play guitar, and my mentality with buying new gear with guitar is to buy something that is about 2 steps ahead of what you have now, versus getting a beginner guitar. Getting something a little more high-end seems to keep me more interested, and eventually, I'll drop the beginner camera and get a higher-end one, so cutting out the beginner thing would save me cash, but I don't know if that's how it works with photography also. I like taking pictures of landscapes, and if there's people, typically in a way that I intertwine them with the foreground. (Correct terminology? I don't know, I'm a N00b.) Anyways, my dad likes Nikon a lot, but if any suggestions, that would be great.

2 answers

What do I do to my camera

Okay, I've been trying to take pictures & make videos on my camera but everytime I turn my camera on, the batteries start falling out.
Is my camera broken? Will I have to get a new one? It's a Nikon camera I've had it for a long time.
Any help?

Added (1). My batteries keep falling out of my Camera & I keep using my mom & grandmas camera but their batteries keep running out & I keep having to put new ones in & my camera can hold alot of photos so I really wanna use it.
Any help? Is my camera broken?
What do I do to keep the batteries from falling out?

Added (2). My batteries keep falling out of my Camera & I keep using my mom & grandmas camera but their batteries keep running out & I keep having to put new ones in & my camera can hold alot of photos so I really wanna use it.
Any help? Is my camera broken?
What do I do to keep the batteries from falling out?

4 answers

Do the Canon Rebel T2 or Nikon N50 shoot video?

I was wondering if either the Canon Rebel T2 (not T2i) or the Nikon N50 (I think it is also called F50) shoot video.

2 answers

Camera off for a while?

My camera was off for like 6 months and the battery won't do anything… I plug the camera up to charge, it beeps and a green light comes on, then it doesn't do anything… I left it plugged up for like 30 min and it still didn't do anything… It's a Nikon cool pix s6000… Any help?

3 answers

IPhone 4s DSLR canon Camera adapter?

I have seen an iPhone 4 with an adapter for a Nikon DSLR.
I was wondering if there was an affordable one for the iPhone4s and a Canon DSLR?

4 answers

Selection of camera for scientific experiment purpose?

The problem is:
There's a transparent tube of 12 mm diameter through which air - water mixture is flowing at a velocity of 3 m/s. The camera is kept at a distance of 4 feet from the tube. The length of the tube which is to be captured is 120 mm. The tube will be illuminated sufficiently. What is the resolution I will get if I use a NIKON DSLR 7000 camera with ISO 100 speed? Will it be necessary to take photos with a higher ISO speed? Also please tell me what shutter speed, frame rate and f/ number should I select to get maximum number of pixels in my image? Please note that only still images will be taken for a period of 60 to 90 seconds.
It will be very kind of you if you can explain to me in detail the basis of your judgement.

4 answers

Where can I get my Nikon Camera fixed?

My friend gave me a nikon s70 camera for my birthday a couple years ago. I was using it one day and the screen went black and had an lens error message on it so i turned it off and back on(like the manual said) but the problem continued. Can anybody please tell me where i can get it fixed at a low price?