Nikon SLR Cameras

Need opinions on which camera to buy?


I like to take pictures and I want to update into a really good camera that has nice effects, clear pictures just pretty much a camera that I can take a picture and make me go wow! So I've heard a lot of little wars between Nikon and Canon and i wanted to know which one out of the two is better to get?

Nikon D3000


Canon EOS Rebel


Nikon and Canon are not at war. Between the two, they account for about 70% of all the dSLR cameras sold.

What you have to do is visit a camera store and hold them in your hands and see which one YOU like the best.

Whether the photos you take with ANY camera produces clear photos and make you go WOW, is up to you and your skills using a camera.

Effects are a P&S camera hook.

dSLR's produce high quality images of professional quality. Any manipulation you wish to do will be done using some kind of photo program.

Yes, there are some cameras that have a "retouch menu", but in the end, you will be much happier using a photo program like Photoshop Elements (under $80) to make all your "nice effects"


Either brand will serve you well. Choose a model that allows for manual focus and shutter speed. Choose a model that allows you to make the necessary adjustments without looking away from the viewfinder or display screen. The camera must also feel comfortable in your hands. A camera shop will have more brands and models to try than a store such as Best Buy. An entry level model will cost less. You can upgrade later if your wants/needs warrant the investment. Do not be afraid to purchase used equipment from a reliable seller. Ebay is a good place to shop once you have made your choice. Stores like Adorama, Ritz, and Henry's sell used and factory reconditioned cameras with a guarantee or full factory warranty. A basic camera kit usually includes the body and an 18-55mm lens. You may want to consider purchasing the camera body only and adding lenses that suit your intentions. Some auto focus film camera lenses are compatible with the same brands digital offerings. Used lenses in good condition take good pictures and cost less than a new lens. Spending wisely will allow you to acquire other essential items. You may want a long telephoto lens for wildlife. Maybe you desire a wide angle lens for landscapes. Or a macro for close-ups of flowers and the tiny insects that frequent them.
Another essential piece of gear you should consider is a GOOD tripod. I do not mean a 50 dollar Walmart special. I mean something like a Bogen/Manfrotto Gitzo or comparable brand. Choose a model that is at eye level without raising the center column. The image stabilization built in to cameras is good but not infallible. Sharp, blur free photos require a steady camera. Blurry photos are YUK! Not WOW! You can correct many sins with Photoshop but the less you manipulate an image the better it will look.
My final recommendations are two books that I believe will greatly improve your skill and enhance your photographic experience. Both books are authored by John Shaw. My first recommendation is "The Nature Photographer's Complete Guide To Professional Field Techniques".In this book he tells you how to calibrate a cameras exposure meter, understanding exposure, Keeping the White Sunlit Subject From Washing Out, Compensating For Very Light And Dark Subjects, Handling The Backlit Subject, Controlling Perspective With Lenses and many other tips that will allow you take better photographs. There are currently 16 copies available on Ebay for $1.00 + $3.49 shipping&handling. While this book was published in 1984 the information is applicable to digital photography. My second recommendation is "Closeups In Nature".It deals with closeup and macro photography. Twenty-two copies are available on Ebay. The least expensive Is $1.99 + $3.49 s&h. The first book is the most useful for general photography. I suggest reading this book before investing in equipment you may not need or want. The second book is specialized but contains much useful information. At such low prices you should be able to afford both. They may be available at your public library.