Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon vs Canon (Which Will Be Better For Me)?


Looking for a great inexpensive camera with high quality performance, and I need the pics to look crisp and clear. I'm a fashion bloger and my camera quality is not the best for my site. I currently have a canon camera but the quality sucks. Please give me suggestions on buying a great camera for under$400 with great quality. I'm looking for a Nikon or Cannon. I'm not a professional but I want the best Help?


CANON! I love canons because from experience they are so great and you can get refurbished ones that cost about 300 dollars which is very cheap.


Any camera, point and shoot or otherwise, can take clear and sharp pictures. The key is knowing what to do with the camera, and how to do it. I'd suggest investing time into studying both the camera itself (read the manual) and also the basics of photography and various techniques and tricks. You can find many great blogs and tutorials simply by searching Google for "photography techniques" or similar.
Hope this helps!


Both brands make P&S (under $400) and dSLR ($550 and up) cameras that can provide what you want. The deal is YOU have to have the skills necessary to assure, crisp, clear shots

Shooting fashion really requires a dSLR and some specific lenses, but you will soon discover how much the shutter lag associated with P&S cameras make shooting fashion problematic

You will have to visit a camera shop to see which brand fits your needs the best.


It depends on what you really need, there's no "one size fits all" camera, the best suggestion always is to go to your local camera shop and they can help you out and you can try out the cameras.

And about Nikon vs. Canon, there's NO DIFFERENCE regarding picture quality, if they are are in the same price-range and are the same type of camera (ultra-compact, or mega-zoom, dSLR etc). The only differences are the extra features.

Short and simple answer either the Canon Powershot S100 or the Nikon Coolpix P310. Depends on what brand you like (nether is better overall). Both have good low-light performance and decent zoom and crisp photos.

If your budget allows get either companies entry-level dSLR. These have increased build quality and performance over the ones I mentioned above.


Nikon & Canon are both good cameras… I work for Nikon, I was given a Coolpix P510 last week. I have a dSLR but I know where your coming from with price. I would suggest this camera to you. I like it more then my D7000. They are $350. I would suggest a Nikon to you only because most Canon cameras are meant for Sports & Movement Photography. This Camera has great quality! Check out Nikon.Com you can see all of our imaging line up, reviews & specialties. Good luck finding a camera! If you need any more help feel free to let me know & I can hook you up!


If you're asking this question, only know two brands and think there's a difference between them, you're nowhere near ready to spend this much money on a camera - which is unlikely to get you a DSLR anyway.

Zi Yang Lai
Zi Yang Lai


The Canon G12 originally sold for $500, but Amazon now has it marked down to $399.


I've had the Canon sx40 for some weeks now and I really love this camera. I'm not a professional I just love taking photos. I love taking photos at night of the city. The sx40 takes great photos at night. Photos look beautiful when I look at them on the computer. I can't believe I'm taking such great shots. Day photos are amazing and look very sharp and beautiful.