Nikon N65 SLR displays fEE?

Whenever I switch the aperture ring from 22. Novice here so go lightly:] The aperture ring is suppose to change how much light comes to the sensor right? So how come I'm unable to change it? On full manual by the way.

You are supposed to keep the aperture ring at 22 and change the aperture from the wheel mounted on the upper end of the body near the shutter release. Read your camera instructions for more details.

The camera is just warning you that the aperture is not set to smallest setting, largest f/number. If that's f/22, then leave it at f/22. This is required for the camera to operate at P, S, and A modes where the camera has to select all or part of the settings. Aperture can be controlled using the buttons on the camera.
If you want to tinker with the aperture yourself, set camera to M mode first before turning the aperture ring but don't forget to put it back to f/22 when you switch to other modes. If the error is still there even in M mode, use the buttons to change aperture instead. I'm sure it's in the manual. If you don't have a manual, try looking for one at
With some Nikon lenses, there's a lock to prevent accidental turning of the aperture ring. IT is located beside the largest f/number. Use it if it's there.

When I go to take a picture Fee shows up and it won't let me take a picture, why?

Just figured it out, thanks