Nikon AF-S 14-24. Pros and Cons?

I'm doing a wedding very soon and have decided to rent Nikon Lens 14-24.
Any recommendations from pros should I consider?
What the the pros and cons of this lens?
I would appreciate any helpful feedback!

It seems a little extreme if used on a FF camera. I would definitely try it out first before doing the wedding to get a feel for it.

Pros, the 14-24 mm is an excellent lens for shooting landscapes and architectural shot if you have a full frame camera like any of the Nikon D3 series cameras, D700 or any Nikon 35 mm SLR
Unless the group you are shooting is huge, the 14-24 mm is NOT what you would use for shooting a wedding.
The most used lenses for weddings are the 24-70 mm f/2.8 and 17-55 mm f/2.8.

Not so good for portraits you'll get alot of distortion.
You don;t mention the max apperture on this lens either… I'm assuming it's the F2.8 model.
I'd rent a 24 - 70 f2.8 instead for the reception, formals, protraits…
I'd also rent a 70 - 200 f2.8 for the ceremony:
The 70-200 is good for church settings due to it's large apperture and decent range… It's the bride and grooms day so it's best if you aren't as visible most of the time.

If you already have the 24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8 lenses, then the 14-24 would be a good fit.
Pros - Incredibly sharp, great landscape lens.
Cons - For a wedding, too much wide angle for anything but a few shots. Large groups, whole view inside church, outdoor overview as they leave church, etc It's sort of like the 16mm fisheye on my list below. Great lens to have, you use it for 10-20 shots the entire day. The 14-24 could be used more, but not a lot more, 50-100 shots.
For me, the priority of lenses for weddings would be:
With 1000 shots taken, the number with each lens, in parenthesees-
24-70 2.8 (500)
70-200 2.8 (200)
50mm 1.4 (100)
60mm micro (20)
85mm 1.4 (100)
14-24 2.8 (60)
16mm fisheye (20)
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