My camera is broken because it was in my backpack?

Ok its a nikon 14x wide full HD and I'm borrowing it and it was in my backpack and I just turned it on and the screen was black with a few streaks like it was cracked on the inside or something… But how do I fix it?! Can I?! It's my friends I was borrowing it!

Yes… Streaks on the LCD Screen.mean you broke it./
The LCD is covered with glass.

Yes, it sounds like you've broken the LCD. You might be able to get it repaired but you won't be able to do it yourself. Ask in a camera store. It's probably cheaper to buy a new one than repair it though. What model is it?

This is the reason I don't lend my cameras! It is without a doubt the most painful thing to buy someone a new camera to replace the one YOU broke, but that is your only choice. If your friend is willing you might pack up the camera and send it to Nikon. Be sure to ask for an repair estimate, so you have at least the option of rejecting a repair (especially with digital cameras) that may be more expensive than just replacing the camera. Do not try and repair it your self-if it is repairable your will damage the camera completely. Only competent people can work on digital cameras. And what's worse is that in this "throw-away" world of ours many products can be produced cheaper than they can be repaired.