Looking for a great Laptop/Camera backpack?

I've been trying to find a great, affordable laptop/camera bag for college. I'm having a bit of trouble, since the only backpacks I seem to find that work are $200-400. I know that they're probably really great choices for bags, but if I could find something that is a bit more affordable then that would be perfect. For specifics, my laptop's dimensions are 15 × 9.96 × 1.22/1.34 inches and my camera is the Nikon D7000 with the 18-105mm lens. There's also supposed to be enough room for a light meter, a wireless camera remote, and a few other smaller photography materials (filters, attachable flash, etc). If you have links to any bags you suggest then feel free to post them!

One of the bags that I've been using a really like is the Tamrac 5586 Expedition 6x

Look at Tenba. They make a variety of bags to suit your needs.

Think Tank's Streetwalker Hard Drive is under $200. They make the best camera bags in the world.
Make sure you get the "Hard Drive" version, as the Streetwalker, and Streetwalker Pro - while a bit less expensive, will not handle a laptop.
One thing you have to be sure of, when looking at other brands (and I have bought and sold f few), is that they advertise holding a full-size laptop, when the compartment might only hold a small one.
For instance, I had one of the other brand "T" backpacks that advertised holding a 13" laptop. But in reality, only if I put it into a crusher, as it would not fit a "normal" 13" backpack.
So best thing is to go to a camera store with your laptop, and test-fit your laptop into the bag you are desiring.

There are a few below that price range which are good as well.
Checkout the Lowepro Fastpack camera / laptop bag which has nice padding on the straps and back of the pack; it also seems to be comfortable to wear.
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