Nikon SLR Cameras

Macbook Pro 512gb or 256gb ssd?


I'm planning on buying myself a macbook pro but I have no idea how much ssd I will need.

I often take photos on my Nikon and like to store them on my laptop but I don't take photography very often unless I'm on holiday then I would take over 500 photos and later store them on my laptop. Apart from photography, I don't really download much, maybe a few programmes here and there and I might consider starting a youtube channel so if I was to then I would be storing the videos on the laptop too.

I think I will be using the laptop for more than 5 years but I don't know if I should spend the extra money on more SSD.


Would recommend 256GB.

It will be plenty for what you do, including the photos.

If you do start making YouTube videos, you can buy a 1TB hard drive (for around the price of the 256GB upgrade), and then you can take the portable hard drive anywhere and you get a lot more storage.

The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight

Look at how much data is currently on your computer and make your decision based on that.