Nikon SLR Cameras

Why is DigitalRev biased towards Canon?


Just a tongue-in-cheek question really!

I've noticed that on DigitalRev's homepage, all three featured cameras are constantly Canons (the 5D MkIII, 650D and 600D at the time of writing this). Plus, all five cameras in the "5 best-selling cameras" feature box are Canons, 4/5 of the "most wished for" lenses are Canons and all five cameras recommended to me are… You guessed it: Canons! I bought A Nikon 7000 body and two Nikkor lenses, so the last one really doesn't make any sense at all!

I'm not losing any sleep over this, but it does amuse me slightly. My only guess would be that they're sponsored?

Added (1). By the way, this wasn't a "I thought Nikon were better than Canon" question. A lot of people here are saying that both brands are as good as each other and it's down to personal opinion. I get that. The question was just to ponder why the site seems biased towards a particular brand, that's all.


There seems to be an interesting culture among Canon owners.

They have some kind of emotional attachment to the brand.

Most professional photographers use their cameras as tools.

Many staff photographers are supplied Canon's, so that is what they use.

Of the twenty or more colleagues who own Nikon cameras, they also own and use other cameras as well.

Some use 4x5 view cameras, usually Sinar, Super Cambo or Calumet
Some also use medium format cameras like Mamiya 645 / 67 or Hasselblad
Five of my colleagues also use Leica M series rangefinders
When it comes to P&S cameras, they use just about any brand that is handy.

Cameras are the tools photographers use and over decades, they have used Nikon, Canon, Pentax and Minolta (now Sony).

Many "home pages" are sponsored by camera companies. Other home pages reflect the experience of the owner. If my expertise was anchored in using the old 35 mm ALPA REFLEX, I would feel more comfortable writing about it, its lenses and techniques using them

As you may have noticed here is that many otherwise intelligent people think that if they buy a certain camera brand, they will be able to produce identical image shot by someone else using the same brand.

The fact that DigitalRev website sells more Canon cameras than others is just the way it is on their site. What is unique about DigitalRev, it is also trying to be a "social network for photo loving people"


There's little difference between to two major professional camera makers; Canon and Nikon.
Most serious photographers are dedicated to their brand and do anything to promote that make. I guess that the web site is being sponsored in some way by Canon.
There are probably other sites with a Nikon sponsorship deal.


All photographers prefer one brand - I'm a Pentax man myself.


It's for the same reason that I take anything that Ken Rockwell says with a 5 pound bag of salt. He is opinionated towards (and very much sponsored by) Nikon.

It is mostly just Ford/Chevy, Canon/Nikon, McDonald's/Burger King opinions… And everyone is entitled to theirs whether I agree or disagree with them.

The way I look at it is… If I like it and it works for me, then it is the right one for ME. The only brands I will say bad things about are Krapdak, GE, Vivitar, BenQ, etcetera.


It's all in the profit margins.

DigitalRev Deals
DigitalRev Deals

There's no bias on either of the brands. The 5 best selling cameras are rated automatically by the system where in fact more customers purchased Canon cameras.

We do promote on the Nikon cameras, where you will find the newest Nikon D5200 is listed on our homepage too.


Ever since the MAP (Minimum Advertising Price) of Canon products went up it's harder for retailers to make a large profit on small sales numbers so Canon products have required more of a market push to make it worth while ordering Canon products into store.