Is Tamron 18-200mm compatible lens with Nikon D5200?

I'm planning to buy 18-200mm Tamron lens for my Nikon D5200 I just wanted to know if its a good pick for my camera & wanted to know about the image quality of it from its users…

Get the motorised version in Nikon fit.
As to whether it's a good choice, many would say no, because it weighs almost as much as an 18-55mm and a 55-200mm combined (that's a lot of weight to be carrying around your neck all day) while the longer the zoom, the greater the optical compromises have to be - you'll find the lens slow at the long end, and somewhat lacking in optical punch.
A more sensible solution would be to supplement your 18-55mm with a 55-200mm or so, rather than replace it.

Andrew's actually nailed your question… The 18-200 might be the right lens… Some people swear by them as a general purpose 'walkabout' lens… I use the 18-105, the 18-140 might be all you need or you could watch the reviews and comparisons on 'You Tube' of the 18-200 lenses and go for another brand.

Here's 400+ owner reviews of the Tamron 18-200mm lens.
I own the Tamron 18-270mm PZD lens and keep it on my Nikon D90 90% of the time. I have carried it through Paris and Hawaii and didn't feel burdened. I think this is a good way to go.

The 18-250 and 18-270 were rated as significantly better in terms of image quality. The latest version is a 16-300. Now that might be worth porting all that extra weight around!

The versatility of a super zoom could probably go well on a D5000 or D90. I used my Nikon 18-200mm on my D90 for my winter trip to Yellowknife, which is not a great environment for swapping lenses.
However, with twice the megapixels on the D5200 you magnify the deficiencies.
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