Is 16-85mm a kit lens?

I'm confused, is the 16-85mm nikkor lens a kit lens?

Yes, that is a pretty standard kit lens

All camera manufacturers make a cheap lens usually a 17 - 55mm or similar to combine with their entry and mid level DSLR. Optically they are usually fine, but they will be small aperture and build quality may not be the best, some have plastic lens mounts instead of metal for instance.

Nopes… 2 kit lens varients for Nikkor are 18-55mm & 18-105mm…
16-85mm is a wideangle lens with zoom. Brilliant lens for everyday morning use. If someone gives it to you as Kit lens, with no extra cost, then take it…
Note Its price is almost 5 times the price of 18-55mm & double the price of 18-105mm lens…

The 18-55 mm lens is the one that comes with entry level dSLR cameras like the Nikon D3100 or D5100.
It is the best first lens because it is affordable and allows the new user to shoot landscapes, group shots, full body shots and head and shoulder photos.
The reason it is called a "kit" lens is because it comes with an entry level dSLR. Other more advanced cameras come as "body only". This is because by the time a person graduates to a more advanced camera, they already have a number of lenses and just need to upgrade their camera, so it comes alone, not as a "kit"

No its not! ONLY 18-55m are kit lenses!
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A kit lens is a lens packaged with the dSLR in the box. It is a general purpose lens, may be a zoom like the very common 18-55mm zoom or a prime like the 35mm offered with the Pentax K-r. Some dSLR packages come with two kit lenses, 18-55mm and 55-200mm while some come with a single super zoom kit lens like the 18-105mm. The kit lens is simply just the lens that the camera came with in the box.
Some dSLR's do not come with a kit lens. You can buy lenses separately anyway. Among the choices of lenses you can buy separately are all the kit lenses mentioned above. If you bought a dSLR without a kit lens and you happen to buy an 18-55mm lens for it separately, technically in a sales point of view, that lens is no longer a kit lens.
The 16-85mm can be used instead of the 18-55mm kit lens to provide more zoom ratio. It is not packaged with any dSLR hence it is not a kit lens.

Nope, that is much better than a kit lens.
The kit lens is generally 18 - 55mm.
That lens has a wider angle AND a further zoom.
Plus I bet the build quality is better.