Are there any Nikkor/ Sony compatible lenses?

My husband bought a Sony DSLR and I have a Nikon DSLR. We're trying to invest in lenses that will benefit us both but are finding that Nikkor lenses fall firmly out of our price range. I was wondering if there are any third party lens manufacturers that are compatible for both Sony and Nikon.

Sony and Nikon DSLR lens mounts are from different worlds and there are NO lenses that will fit both bodies.
IF you are looking for combining your camera gear i suggest one of you coughs up your camera and buys the same brand as the other.i. sony, nikon nikon. Not both.

Unfortunately because Sony & Nikon use 2 different mounting systems for their DSLR cameras out of the box there will be no lenses available for you both to use on your respective cameras.
Now what you may be able to find is a Lens Adapter from Nikon-Sony IE you will be able to take a Nikon lens and with this Adapter will be able to attach it to a Sony Body but…
You will have trouble controlling Aperture and will loose AF capablities…
Now the adapter is about a $40 part and you can find them at most camera stores like B & H Photo where I found this one:
The problem is that you will have to purchase Nikon AI lenes not lenses that use the current F-mount to my knowledge.
If it isn't out of the return policy on the Sony you may want to exchange it for a Nikon which would make finding lenses for both obviously easier. Yet your husband may enjoy the Sony because they are awesome cameras I personally own a Sony A230 and I love it.
Its really going to come down to is he going to be ok using lenes that he will have to manually set the Aperture and manually focus on so you can consolidate your lenses

In short no. There are no lenses for they use different mounts. Nikkor lenses will not fit sony mounts, Hasselblad mounts will not accept canon lenses, etc etc etc etc etc.
the only way to use the lens for both systems is if you used adapters, but they can get costly, and take away functions of some lenses, like, it will not autofocus
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