Nikon SLR Cameras

Lens for pictures around school campus?


For yearbook I'm in charge of taking pictures around the school campus - like student life and just the activities on campus (not sports)

I'm pretty new at this so I'm not sure what lens to look for. I don't need to zoom in much and I'm just a student so it can't be TOO pricey.

I have a nikon camera btw


Hmm you should sell that NIkon and get a real camera

ok being serious
a good lens for everyday school activities i think would be a zoom lens that has a decent focal length
like for example a lens with a focal range of 18-135mm
this zoom range covers the wide angle range all the way to the telephoto range so a lens with a similar focal length to this would be perfect for everyday school activities


If you already have a dSLR with an 18-55mm kit lens or a 35mm or a 50mm then you're all set to go. Just make sure you set ISO to lowest and take under lots of light. When indoors, use flash. If what you have is a point-and-shoot, then do the same thing. You don't need a new camera.


The 18-200 mm VR is one of the best lenses for shooting editorial assignments. This includes shooting for the school newspaper, year book and other such assignments

Pricey is a relative term. For what that lens can do, it is just one of the best tools you can use as a single lens option.