A Digital camera that takes pictures like the Nikon D7000 for around 200

A Digital camera that takes pictures like the Nikon D7000 for around 200?!

Right, and I want a car that drives like a Porsche for $500.
Not going to happen. The D7000 is good because it has an image sensor 15 times larger than any camera under $500.

I'm shopping for a camera myself but I'm not sure there are any cameras around 200 that will carry the quality pictures of the D7000. A standard digital camera does not often have the same capabilities as digital SLR camera. There are a few digital cameras that have higher pixels. Try looking at that when you go to buy a camera. This is my digital camera Canon PowerShot SD1400 IS.
You can check out my photo page to see its quality. It does a nice job. These run about 200 dollars now I believe. Hope you find the camera you're looking for.

First of all it is the photographer that makes the pictures look better or worse. You can have the most expensive camera but have zero talent then it's no use. So yea, D7000 is expensive and like wise photographer who uses it has to be good too in order to take great quality shots and that doesn't mean you can't take great shots with $200 camera.

And I want a porche.oh. Hondo already said it
well, he's right.

I've seen some really and I do mean really dumb questions here but this one is at the top of the stack, at least today.
- Best Digital Camera That Takes Excellent Pictures?
- Do you think touch screen cameras like the Nikon D5600 make cameras like the Nikon D5 look like 70's computers without the mouse?
- Which camera takes good photos and videos like these? - 1
- How would you like to have a digital camera like this in the future?
- What is currently the best Nikon camera that takes really clear/vivid pictures and videos?