Nikon SLR Cameras

White frame around pictures taken with nikon d3100?


I have the nikon d3100 and i printed pics today for the first time and there's a white frame around every single picture! How do i stop this from happening!

Added (1). The frame is alredy there, i didn't put it there thru any program


It is NOT a problem with your camera.

You can either print "bordered" prints or what are called borderless prints.

You choose those options in your photo program when making prints or when you take your image files to a lab for printing.


You didn't put it there, but the program you chose to print with did.
When you go to print, open up the "properties" area of the print driver -- then go find the "borderless" option, click it, and use it.

Eric Lefebvre
Eric Lefebvre

Depending on your printer, you might not be able to do "borderless" prints.

Check your printer manual and see if it supports borderless printing.