Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon 1 J1 worth it? - 1


Is it worth it? It's the only thing that, when I make it, on my Christmas list that is expensive. My mom knows that I've been looking into nicer cameras like a long the lines of DSLR's and such and I think she might be considering spending the extra to get me a nice camera.

and also; do I need another lens to do macro stuff?

Now my problems would be:

The fact that I'm in utter love with Canons and don't know if I will love my Nikon as I do Canons, even though I now Nikon is a better macro camera.
On Youtube, and on photography blogs I keep getting mixed ideas about it. Some people are not satisfied with the fact that it's not a true blue DSLR (which I don't mind because i'm looking for a nice camera that could segway me into getting a DSLR down the road), and other people just are falling head over heals in love with it.
All I want to know is if you are able to have DSLR like features, as in playing around with manual settings or setting your own focus point, if it takes close to DSLR like quality photos, if it's good in low-light situations (such as the dark.duh) If it's quality doesn't go grainy because the camera is working harder cause you increased something like the ISO. Common questions; I just want to know things about it that make it desirable AND undesirable.


No! Get the J2.


If you want a DSLR, get a DSLR.

Eric Len
Eric Len

What Nikon released is more or less a fail. The tiny sensor can't even compete with DSLRs, yet it's priced the same. Sony's mirorrless models beat it by far for the same price.

Get a DSLR, they have less noise, better quality and it's much easier to hold them. Lighter cameras often give you worse stability, because you can't even hold them properly.

Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -

Get a D3100, D5100 or Canon EOS T2i or T3i. And about your Canon love and not Nikon… That's really useless to think about, a camera is a camera. Both brands are great.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

First of all, Canon is pretty much the only company that doesn't have an electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens (or EVIL for short) camera.
Nikon was relatively late to the game and, despite being a content nikon user for a long time, I have some reservations about their model. On the plus side, they had some decent lenses and an adapter on launch. The camera seems well thought out. On the minus side, the pricetag!

That aside there's still the fundamental question if you should go for this type of camera. In my opinion that only makes sense if you want something better than a compact but can't deal with the size and form of a DSLR.

Thom Hogan is a photographer who also reviews gear from the viewpoint of the serious user. Might wanna have a look:

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

I'd look at a Nikon D3100 instead.