Nikon SLR Cameras

How much are 8 nikon lenses plus a nikon 35mm worth?


I have a Nikon 35mm camera plus 8 lenses to go with it. I'm trying to sell them but I have no clue what they are worth. When I got them as a gift from my uncle I was told the lenses alone are worth $3, 000. But I have no clue. They are in excellent condition and come with a bag that holds all the lenses and camera together. Any suggestions on what I should sell them for?

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

SLR bodies are.well hey don't retain allot of value.

But lenses well they do retain value and depending on what lenses you get a different price. Some lenses are indeed worth over $500…

So really to judge the value you need to give the precise name of the lenses.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

It completely matters what lenses you have

if you have one of these guys in good shape

well, you can sell it for $10, 000+

some other lenses may be worth $500, $400, $800, etc


It depends what model the body is - if it is an entry level then $20-30 - if it is a top end pro then who knows!

The lenses may have COST $3000 but what they are worth is a whole lot different.
If they are 3rd party lenses (Sigma, Tanron, Vivitar… ) then they are worth very little - depending of which model then $50-100 each
If they are genuine Nikon then they are worth more.

Best bet is to look up each component (body and lens) on ebay and see what they sell for - that will give you a benchmark.