Nikon SLR Cameras

Is my ex hinting that he wants me back?

Rebecca Archer
Rebecca Archer

My ex boyfriend was horrible to me after break up. My boyfriend broke up with me on valentines day at the beginning of this year and after that he started going out with girls he knows i have issues with just to get to me, he posted disgusting rumors about me online and started mailing and texting me abuse.
However a few months ago he text and asked to see me, naturally thinking he was just trying to mess with my feelings i told him to get lost but he kept asking so i eventually gave in and met up with him. Since then i have been seeing him 1-2 times a week. We usually just act like friends, watching movies and talking but every now and again he will try to kiss me before i move away and he likes to hug alot. Thinking i didn't hear he mumbled under his breath that he loved me and i've been a little distant from him since then.
Yesterday he stopped by my house and dropped off a christmas present for me, i decided to open it early to discover that he had gotten me an expensive nikon camera and a me to you card. Is he hinting that he wants me back? X


R. He isn't hinting, he's telling you he wants to relations with you. It's up to you whether you want a relationship. If not, return it to him with a note saying ": Thanks for the wonderful gesture and I appreciate you thinking of me; however, at the moment, I would not feel good or be fare to you by accepting it. That way you have no obligations to him and left him with his self respect.