Nikon SLR Cameras

If I bought this camera, would I need to buy lenses too?


Well I've been looking around for a photography camera, and it's going to be my first one so I just want something small to start off with, and nothing majorly expensive. Then when I get deeper into it, I'll buy a more professional one.
But this camera is only the body:

so could I buy lenses for it? Because It says I can zoom and everything, but would it just have to be like that? Because it looks like I can adjust lenses to it if I bought some.
Please let me know, and other information is appreciated too.


This is a film slr camera. You would need a lens and some film.


The body needs a lens so it can be used. A lens with a range like 50-200mm will give a lot of options; I use a different camera with a similar lens under many conditions; I've only wanted a wider-angle lens when trying to image rooms inside a historic building. If you need a telephoto lens for greater distance, such as birdwatching, you probably already found relevant tips in birdwatching guids.

I've been using a digital body, and find 8 megapixels quite adequate for my needs. A big advantage of going digital is the freedom to shoot many more images and have freedom to choose the better ones much more cheaply than when having to pay for film.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

The body is useless without a lens. You need a zoom lens to zoom…
The is a 35mm camera. You may want to go to the library and see what kind of photography books they have.