I need a nikon lens for architecture
Ok I need a Nikon FX lens for architecture if possible under 1000$! ANd don't suggest PC lens because I'm an amateur I don't need it yet… Thank you!;)
The FX lens would be the 14-24 mm f/2.8
You know you can use a DX lens on your camera and for that you can use a 10-24 mm ($900) or 12-24 mm f/4 lens ($1, 225) which both costs less than the 14-24 mm lens ($2, 000).
Here is a sample shot using an old Nikon D100 and 12-24 mm f/4.lens.
.html? Sort=3&o=8
You can find out what those and other Nikkor lenses cost by visiting the Nikon website.
For architecture, a tilt-shift lens if quite popular. Used properly, it has the effect of making vertical lines parallel. A wide angle lens will accentuate the perspective, giving a cathedral-like effect. You can achieve straight verticals in post processing, but you must leave a large amount of room around the subject in order to be able to keep the rectangular composition.
Canon makes a tilt-shift lens. I can't speak for Nikon.