Nikon SLR Cameras

I know this sounds very foolish but?


Tiffany & Co.microfiber polishing cloths, I'm sure it's not okay but,
would it be alright if I use it to clean my nikon lens? I don't have the time to go buy one for the lens right now but I really need to clean my lens, it's causing my pictures to come out way too blurry
and I'm still a beginner at photography so would there be anything else that I can use to clean the lens?


That cloth should work fine. However, unless your lens is complete caked with something like mud, a dirty lens will not make your photos blurry.


Debris on the lens really shouldn't affect image sharpness or focus accuracy all that much (unless it really is obsucred or all over) I think your problem lies elsewhere.

Not to say that you shouldn't keep your lens clean, but if you post one of your pictures that is blurry then we may be able to identify another solution to your problem.


Your blurry photo's are due too low an ISO or too slow a shutter speed setting. Take your camera off automatic and set accordingly! Now in regard to your lens. Get some photo lens tissue and lens cleaner solution. Put a couple of drops on the tissue NOT THE LENS and clean the lens ever so softly and with a VERY LIGHT TOUCH. After the lens is clean put a skylight filter on your lens and clean the filter when the filter gets dirty and leave the lens alone!

If you need to replace the filter it is about $15.00 replacing or repairing a scrathed lens is very costly! Underline the word VERY!