Nikon SLR Cameras

I want to buy a DSLR but I know very little about these expensive cameras?


I'm looking at the Nikon d3100 with 18-55mm VR Lens for $500 that's all my savings!
is this a great first camera?
will i be able to take amazing photos of myself and friends in full 1080p?
its cheaper to buy without lens? Is the 18-55mm VR Lens any good?

what's difference in Nikon d3000?


Yeah its good cam for start with awesome picture quality
18-55 mm is good. It not the camera its u behind the camera so capturing pictures is your skill
you can capture great pictures with this cam
d3000 is older no live view no movie mode n has noise problem so go for d3100

Vintage Music
Vintage Music

The Nikon D3100 is a fine camera no doubt. But, but, when you say "all my savings" in finance that would be a no no. I would think having money aside for emergencies is much more important than any camera.


Spending All of your Savings just to Go Get a Camera would be a Very Bad Idea.
Ask Yourself This. How Would You Pay For Something If Some Type of Emergency Comes Up When You Had Purchased a Camera With All Of Your Savings?

BTW: Having a Camera would be Nice, but Having a some type of Savings is So Much Important than Having A Camera.


Yes, the Nikon D3100 is a great camera. It is the best dslr for the price. I don't get what you mean by "its cheaper to buy without lens?", you need a lens to take photos. You have to buy a lens with the camera. The reasons why the D3100 is better than the D3000 are the following:

-Significantly lower noise at high ISO
-Shoots movies
-Has live view
-Better image quality
-Video autofocus
-Has a self cleaning sensor
-Has a CMOS-family sensor
-Significantly higher true resolution
-Less startup delay
-Better boost ISO
-Slightly more dynamic range
-Slightly better color depth
-Better maximum light sensitivity
-Slightly lighter

Read this review to help you more:

This is the best price i could find for it during my research:

Eric Len
Eric Len

The D3100 is great, and $500 is excellent. Is it new? I recommend you to shop through Amazon.

You will be able to take great pics, but only if you will read the manual, online and practice.

D3000 is 3 years old, no video, no live view, more noise at higher ISO. Canon EOS T3 is also good if you want to see more models.

Here's a DSLR Buying -


I've been playing with my new Powershot D10 for about a week and really like it. I have been using Canon SLRs for 25+ years, AE1 Program, A1, Elan 7e, and Digital Rebel. When I started looking for a waterproof camera to take snorkeling, my first choice was Canon, based on my many years of satisfaction with their products, and I was very lucky that this camera was released two weeks before leaving for vacation. (Amazon had been showing the camera as available for pre-order until earlier today. I purchased mine from a local camera store.)


You can check here for configuration and price