Nikon SLR Cameras

How to upload pictures from a Nikon?


I'm in Yearbook class at my school and we make our high schools yearbook. I got assigned a Nikon ( I have no clue what kind) and I can't upload them on my computer. I plugged it in my comp and look under "My Computer" and can't even find it anywhere. I don't know where the sd card is to take it out. All I know is that it isn't a simple digital camera. It has lenses and everything.

Jim A
Jim A

The really simple answer is a usb card reader. They cost about $10 and are available where ever cameras are sold. A reader will solve this problem.


The same way you do with any other digital camera

Remove the memory card from the camera and insert it into a card reader. Using the computers file manager, copy all the image files from the card to the computer into a new file folder you have named to remind you what images are in it. Samples: ParkwithSue, AttheBeach, Suff, etc.

Why don't you ask your instructor or one of your fellow students? That would be the most logical way to do this

Note: All digital cameras have lenses.


If your camera isn't registering on the computer and it doesn't tell you that it's installing the software, then you have to look at a few things: Is the camera powered on first and foremost. The camera has to be on. Your USB cord isn't any good. Your computer should recognize that there's something plugged into it and at least try to install the drivers for it. If it doesn't do anything the signal from the camera to the computer isn't there.
Get the software from your teacher to install the camera.
buy a card reader and find out where the card is located (this is your best option.) It's probably not an SD card unless it is a pretty new DSLR, it's probably a bigger, square CF card.


"It has lenses and everything." Haha! You made my day.

The SD card is under a door somewhere on the right side of the camera. Push the memory card to pop it up. When you get the memory card out, use a USB memory card reader to connect it to the computer. You should be able to see the memory card as a new drive in My Computer already.