Why won't my nikon d3000 upload pictures onto my computer?

I have a nikon d3000. And i have pictures on the camera. However when i plug the usb into my camera and computer, it does not read that the camera is there.i've checked my computer but it won't show up as a removable device. Why won't it show up?

Carefully read the camera instruction manual and perhaps go over your photos settings on the computer.

This is one of the most common questions people ask here on YA on getting their cameras to recognize on the computers just so they could be able to download photos onto the computer.
Solution: Do what most of us Regulars do quite often when we want to download photos onto the computer is actually using a Card Reader. Plug the Card Reader into the Computer, remove the Memory from the Camera and then insert the Memory Card into the Card Reader and start downloading photos onto the computer. It's that easy. Plus 99% of the time the Computer would actually recognize the Card Reader practically in nothing flat.