Nikon SLR Cameras

How to Take Photo's Like a Professional?

Gabby Pierre
Gabby Pierre

I'm 12 years Old and i Have a Cannon and a Sony The Canon is a digital camera but its pretty big. The sony is a Small Digital Camera its Kind of Skinny. I Want to take good Photos like a Professional with these Camera's I Don't Have any money to buy equipment or a nikon or anything like this could you help me thanks!


Just take a lot of pictures. A digital camera is perfect for experimenting since you can always delete the shots you don't like. Look at pictures in newspapers and magazines and note their compositions and try to find your own ways of emulating them. Practice, practice and practice.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Start reading! There's plenty of info out there on technique and composition. Practice what you read. Sign up for a free Flickr account and join a few good feedback groups.


There are three steps necessary to produce professional photos.

1) good technical skills
2) a good understanding of lighting
3) good compositional skills - Here is a site to learn this part

D700 dug
D700 dug

I'm 55 now

I was shooting film when I was 12

I would spend every weekend shooting at least one roll of film 36 frames ( it was much more expensive back then ) I read every photo book in the library and every magazine I could get my hands on.

When I left school I studied photography and went to work as a photographer.

I'm still working and still learning.

The thing is to practice at every opportunity, study everything you can.

Look at photos look at the history of great photographers.

And be willing to keep learning, it is not a simple art to master.

If it was everyone would be good at it.

Eric Lefebvre
Eric Lefebvre

Brands aren't important… Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax… These days they are all pretty much equivalent or close enough that it doesn't matter.

You need to read up on photography, lighting, composition… Things of that nature. All these things can be applied to any camera, from a point and shoot to a SLR or DSLR. Cellphone can also be used but the limitations are pretty restrictive.

Learn to understand how light affects your images and how to frame your pictures first.

This picture, while it was taken with some expensive gear (Canon L Series Lens for example), only uses the light from the window and could have been done with a point and shoot.

I simply made good use of the natural light coming in from the window and the sheer blinds acting to diffuse the light.

Also, practice, practice, practice. You learn photography by doing and reading.

Go to the library and pick up some books on photography, learn something and then go practice it.