Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take a photo like this? - 1

Persona Bett
Persona Bett

I have a nikon d5000
and i just really really want to know how to do this.


Cool photo… I don't know lol


When a train or subway is moving, stand as close as you can and aim your camera towards the end of the tunnel.


Put the camera on a tripod or something that will hold it steady, lower the shutter speed to something relatively slow, make sure the train's in shot and fire away. It's not very difficult at all.


It's not too difficult. You will need a tripod or some sort of surface to place your camera on that will keep it steady. It's then all about shutter speed, which you can google how to do with your camera or just read your manual. The lower the shutter speed the longer the shutter will take to finish taking the picture. A slightly slower shutter speed than normal allows you to capture movement, however if you wish to keep the people or something in the photo in focus, you will need a very fast moving thing (like the train in this image, or a car or something) as you don't want to slow your shutter speed down too much or it will capture each movement the person makes too. Hope this helps, good luck!

wish to
wish to

You need to focus on the person and the shutter spead should be slower than 1/100 and ubove 1/10 =3… I think 0.0


Answers are all here:

It's a longish exposure (of 1/4s), and as this is the LU and use of tripods is usually not permitted without station manager's approval, you will probably want to shoot this using the help of VR and techniques mentioned in "da grip" Alternatively you can also sit down on the station benches, and lay your camera either in your lap or the seat next to you and shoot from there.

The photo is of a what looks like a 1995 Stock of the Northern Line, you can tell because of the colour scheme.

deep blue2
deep blue2

Put the camera on a tripod. You can shoot in aperture priority or manual. You may need to take several shots to get the amount of blur just right - and that depends on how fast the train is moving too!

Here's one of mine;

exposure was 2 seconds, aperture just under f8.


Use a high shutter speed- 1/500 sec or higher, you might need a tripod to take the photo. Use the smallest aperture possible.
Try taking as many photos as you can at that moment, because I'm sure at least one of them will work out.

Hope I helped!