Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take a photo like this?



What steps were used to take a photo like this? Was lighting used, photoshop, or what? I really want to take awesome shots like this of other people. I'm very good at taking pictures so i was told and i can definitely take shots at that angle but i know it would look like that as a result so i was thinking that maybe the extra light was added by some program?

Any info would be great! Thanks!

i use a nikon d3100 lens 18-55mm btw in case that matters.


Photoshop? To me it just looks kinda blurred, but then again i'm only a amateur at that stuff.


You need lights to light the subjects face well, other wise it won't be flattering. Google "studio lighting set up" and you will get an idea.

You could take photos like this using your kit, make sure there's plenty of light, use a quick shutter speed and get an assistant to fan the subject with a large bit of card or something so her hair flies up.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

One big lightsource upper left of the photographer, looks like a flash with a BIG softbox. A wind machine for the hair and that's pretty much it. Some basic corrections in photoshop and a skin smootihing.


This looks like a single light image. It might be with a softbox, but it is hard to tell because the Photoshopping is so heavy handed. There's a lot of post processing going on here, and in my opinion it is not done very well.


Of course, there has been post processing used with a photo editing software.