How many nikon d3400 camera batteries can you take in your hand luggage on a plane? Many

How many nikon d3400 camera batteries can you take in your hand luggage on a plane? Many

They might question more than 3 as possible smuggling or duty avoidance.

I *think* the regulations differ from airline to airline. That said, I did a lot of flying recently carrying 4 DSLR batteries and 2 GoPro batteries and nobody even commented on them.

Lithium batteries can only be transported through hand-carried bags. They can either be installed in the device or loose. When loose, they should be packed in such a way that the electronic terminals are sufficiently covered so that they won't transmit charge when coming in contact with metal.
As to how many depends on the whim of the customs officer and the airline's ground attendant. If you stay within a reasonable amount, you shouldn't have any problems.

How many do you want to take? I usually travel with one spare battery for my DSLR. As others state, it's up to the screener's decision what is considered "safe".
The FAA has a FAQ regarding batteries.

Contact your carrier.

I keep one battery in my camera and a spare (in a polythene bank change bag - ask your bank nicely, they'll give you a handful) in my pocket. It probably won't matter as long as you hand all of them over for search.

First you need to define where the flight is from and to. International flights are different from internal flights, no matter which country you fly from.
Best to contact the airline direct, quoting your flight date etc. Only then will you get an good answer.

I've taken 5 DSLR batteries on various flights with no problems, in hand luggage.
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