Nikon SLR Cameras

How i connect my md11 motor drive to my nikon el film camera?


I accidentally about a nikon md 11 motor drive and found out it won't shoot automatically with my EL there's a port on the front of it and i was wondering if there was a way to connect it so i could shoot automatically



You have to buy the camera that the MD 11 fits, like these. FM, FE, FE2, FM2, FM2n, FM2n/T and FA cameras

EDIT: The motor does not make your camera shoot automatically. What it does is advance the film automatically

George Y
George Y

I loved my MD11, but it only fit my Nikon FE and my FM. The EL does not have the electronic and mechanical connections you need to make it work.

A later model, the Nikon EL-W takes the AW-1 winder, but your current camera is incompatible.