Nikon SLR Cameras

How to use a old Nikon F exposure meter?


I have an old Nikon F exposure meter (model number 979101), and I have no idea how to use it. Does anyone have a digital copy of a manual of some kind? Or an internet site that describes how to use a Nikon F exposure meter?

Thanks for your help in advance!
It looks like this:


There were several models of this type of exposure meter, which is one of the earliest SLR metering systems in existence. The number you give is almost certainly some kind of serial number rather than a model indication. Without knowing the exact model no. It's hard to accurately explain how it's supposed to work.

Anyways, it was made to work in combination with the original Nikon F camera (1959), since the shutter speed dial of the camera was linked to the exposure meter. So unless you happen to own one of these cameras, I should treat it as a collector's item. Furthermore, the selenium cells used in these meters are very likely to have stopped working a long time ago because their sensitivity wears out after a couple of decades or so. Having these cells replaced is virtually impossible nowadays, although someone offers a repair manual as a download for five bucks (see third link below).

However, it shouldn't be too hard for an experienced photographer to explain its operation to you since all exposure meters work on the same principle: you dial in an ISO sensitivity, set the shutter speed and aperture settings and transfer these to your camera, either mechanically or manually. Well-known camera manufacturers such as Canon and Leica used the same system.