Nikon SLR Cameras

Can't find exposure meter Nikon D600?


I can't figure out how to make the exposure meter for my Nikon D600 appear in the viewfinder, I've located it on other cameras but this is the only Nikon I have used, sorry if this is a stupid question it's just annoying cause it would help avoid exposure issues with my shots.


Once you press the shutter release button halfway, the meter should appear in the viewfinder. Nikon has it the other way around. Plus on the left side, minus on the right. The default setting however puts the lightmeter on only for a very short time if you're not changing the settings. There's another way to force the meter on. Move the wheel.

I don't exactly have a D600. I based my answer on my old F-801 and my son's D50.


As a sidenote:
While it seems counterintuitive that the Nikon light meter indicates overexposure to the left, it does make a lot of sense.

This way the light meter moves in the same direction as one turns the control dials. Turn a dial left to prolong shutter speed or open up the aperture, and the light meter also shifts left.


Essentially you have to press the shutter release halfway. See page 39 of your manual.