Nikon d5000 will meter with all the lenses which nikon d90 can meter.m i right?
i can handle manual focus but if the gear can't meter with the essential lense(which is not AF-S) like macro, prime lense then it is of no use
another question can nikon d200 meter with prime lenses
Yes, sort of.
Look here for a full list of lens/camera compatibility" class='ext_link'>
Bascially yes but this may serve as a better guide.
If it can't meter, there's always the Sunny f/16 Rule. It is highly possible to meter using your eyes and brain. That was the way we did it when meters were far and few.
Yup, all lenses that are able to meter with the D90 will meter as well with the D5000.
The D200 is able to meter with more lenses than the D90 and D3000 because it has a feature where you can plug in the aperture/focal length for older lenses. In addition to all of today's lenses, the D200 is also able to meter with Ai/AiS manual focus lenses from 30 years back.