How to get rid of my acne scars? (PICTURE)?

Despite being told to leave my face alone I would pop zits as soon as I'd see one resulting in this: \
I'm afraid of using Proactiv because I believe although it may beautify my face - my skin may become too dependent on it to the point where I would have to repeatedly buy it to keep it clear. I'm ignorant to this so… Blah. I apologize that it's not super HQ, I haven't charged the batteries for my nikon so I used my macbook for the pic
+10 points
Merci Beaucoup!
Added (1). * My friend has used Bio Oil for her stretch marks… So theoretically it should work for my face?
I know it's not horrible but I feel strange with the scars now that I'm an adult. I kind of feel like Ugly Betty
Added (2). Aww Millie like from Freaks and Geeks. Lol
So, I should order "Bio-Oil PurCellin Oil Facial Treatment Product"?

I know you probably don't want to hear this but I honestly don't think they're that bad, there's just a few round your cheeks.
You could try using bio-oil. Apparently that's supposed to be really good for scats but I'm not sure if you can use it on your face and it might make your spots come back.

Bio Oil! Honestly its amazing, I popped my zit and left me with a scar and bi oil solved my problem! There's no better answer than this hun. Xx