Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take pictures like this?

The Lion
The Lion

I have a Canon PowerShot S70 but I think I need something like an SLR camera to take pictures like the one above

I was also going to buy this. Do you think it's a good deal? And will it allow me to take photos like the one in the link?

Thanks a lot for the help in advance, I really appreciate it

Added (1). Do you know how good mine is? I feel like because it's not an slr I need to get rid of it. I was thinking of selling it for around 100 pounds.

Charlie Farley
Charlie Farley

You could take a picture like that with anything… Even your phone camera. The only thing that makes that picture a little different is the lighting… Just imagine taking the picture in a darkened room with your model looking into a fire… Easy peasy.

The camera you are looking at is not digital and its a bit ancient, I would not buy it


There's certainly nothing special about that picture and just about any camera could take a similar shot.

The camera you have linked to is a film camera and unless you particularly want to work with film then it would not be much good for you given your lack of knowledge of photography.

Bryan H
Bryan H

You know the syaing about the poor workman? A great camera helps a great photographer, but unless you have the the know how of how to use it will more than likely make things worse.


It's not what you use, it's how you use it. The camera you own isn't a bad camera anyhow, just learn to use it correctly and you could easily get a shot like that.

deep blue2
deep blue2

You can take a shot like that easily with a compact camera that has exposure compensation (EV).It's shot with window light and has been deliberately under exposed (set EV to -1 or so). Make sure the flash is off.

It looks like the white balance has also been changed to tungsten to give it that yellow look.

I wouldn't recommend a film SLR to learn photography on, due to the difficulty &expense of developing film. With digital you get instant feedback, you can see what settings you used and this can help you learn about the factors that affect exposure.