Nikon SLR Cameras

HD Video Quality: DSLR vs Compact Camera?


I want to know which one produces better Video Quality(in stills DSLR wins obviously). Let's say one has a the most advanced Compact camera with Full HD 1080 vs Nikon's or Canon's expensive (Canon D7100, Canon 60D). Sony compact Cameras(infact every Sony DSLR and camcorders) are Equip with AVCHD with 60p/60i Progessive Format Which is apparently Superior than. MOV and Mpg4 formats found on DSLRs. Also they only have frame rates including 24p/25/30p not 60p or 60i.

Rolling shutter Effect. It's true that Both The DSLR and Compact have this Problem, but which has more?
I saw some videos on Youtube DSLRs tend to over saturate colors when shot indoors with lights on.
And i also read that DSLR are not made for Videos and they are recently including Full HD options on them. Whereas Compact Cameras have video options from many years back.


All cameras that use CMOS sensors have this problem.

This is one of the reasons that professional quality video cameras use CCD sensors, the more advance one use 3-CCD's one for each colour, Red, Green and Blue.

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Jim A
Jim A

Rolling shutter, yes that can be a problem if you don't know how to properly operate the camera.
Once you learn to shoot around it you'll have little or no problem with it.

Camcorders, this is at the consumer level, are the best, then dslr because of their sensor size and then the pocket toys. If you want quality stills and video, a dslr is the best choice.

Rolling shutter is a problem created by the photographer. If you learn to shoot properly you won't have any problems with it. It's only when you swing the camera to quickly left or right that you'll see rolling shutter. If you learn to hold the camera steady it won't happen. Cameras are meant to capture motion, not create it.


Compact cameras make bad videos because they don't have much more than 5X zoom. The DSLRs should have the full zoom option available. Personally I use a Camcorder 60X zoom and the movies look as if I'm standing in front of the objects. Still, with the SLR, I get better video than with a compact.


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