Good photography cameras for a beginner?

Hi, i'm 14 and starting out in photography, and I want a quality camera like a Nikon or a Canon for around $500. Any ideas?

If you want a point-and-shoot, the Canon G12 and Nikon P7000 would be good choices.
If you want to invest in lenses later on and get a DSLR, I would suggest the Canon Rebel XS or the Nikon D3000. Both run for about $450-$480. Some stores don't carry them anymore since they're a bit outdated, but I know for a fact that B&H has them in stock.
If you want a DSLR that's a little more up to date (and something that has video recording), look for a refurbished Canon Rebel T3 or Nikon D3100 on Adorama.

It is pretty hard to say what camera would be good for you, the best way is to go to a camera dealer and have him show you a few cameras and how they work, that way you can find one that fits you. When you have found one that you like don't buy it right away, you may be able to find it cheaper somewhere else like on the net.
Just tell the sales person that you want to think about it.
You don't really want to buy a camera at someone else's advice as what is an easy camera for them may be too easy or to difficult for you. The only one who will know is you.
Trust me on this, the first camera i bought was definitely too simple for me as there were too few settings on the camera to experiment whit.
At the moment I use a Canon EOS 400D it is pretty good for me but then that might be a bit too much if you just started.

The Canon PowerShot G12 is a camera that provides the build quality and manual controls of a mid-range DSLR yet remains just about pocketable. It doesn't offer the fast lenses and more compact bodies of some rival high-end compacts but counters this with even great manual controls, the option to add lens accessories like filters and a greater zoom range. For our money, we would take the faster alternatives though. What's more we wonder, like its arch rival Nikon, how long Canon will be content to go without fielding an interchangeable lens compact system camera, and missing out on gaining its own share of a rapidly expanding market. These cameras offer true DSLR quality in more compact bodies and will be a tempting alternative to having both an SLR and High-end compact.

Canon G12 offers a cornucopia of operating functions.