Good DSLR camera for beginners?

I just started the class Beginning Photography in school. I'm pretty sure that photography is something I want to get into, and many people say I'm good.
My problem; I only have a simple point-and-shoot camera. It's an okay camera, but i'm looking for a Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera. They are So expensive though!
I want to know:
What is a good brand? (Nikon, Canon, etc.)
What is a good camera? I want some info like Mega pixels, zoom, price, etc.
I need something that won't break the bank!

Go to walmart, target, or another big box chain store (they all sell entry level DSLRs). Hold the Canon and Nikon cameras and play with the controls. Buy the one that feels best to you. I'm a Canon user, but fully understand that at the entry level price point, Nikon and Canon cameras do the exact same thing and provide equal quality photos.
Megapixels is not a concern as any entry level DSLR has way more than enough. DSLR cameras do not have zoom. The amount of zoom depends on the lens you happen to have attached at the time. You can expect to spend between $650-$750 for an entry level DSLR… That's just the way it is.

If you can't afford a DSLR, then you won't be able to afford the lenses either…
don't get a DSLR, get a bridge camera instead…

A bridge camera can do. They allow the same modes as DSLRs ; M (manual), Tv (shutter speed priority) or S for Nikon users, and Av (aperture priority) or A for nikon users. They aren't as expensive, look like DSLRs, but slightly smaller, and do not require expensive lenses.
They can vary between $150 to $400. I would say Canon or Nikon. I personally like Canon better, but it's a big controversy, and they seem equal.
Check this out for ideas:
I use the Canon Powershot SX30 IS, which is a bridge camera. It's been around $450 ever since the holidays, but the newer model, the SX40 HS, is $400. They probably aren't for you unless you want the most zoom, out of all non-DSLR cameras, which is 140x (35x optical zoom + digital assist).
Here is a photostream of one of my contacts on Flickr, that also uses the SX30 IS:
The SX40 HS isn't really that different. It may have a few small adjustments and better quality, but it has the same shape, settings and zoom.
I would definitely check out this review, which contains the amount of megapixels.etc (which shouldn't be that important for you):
SX30 IS:
SX40 HS:

I suggest that you go for Canon PowerShot ELPH 300 HS. In addition to great pics, I has also a P&S with 1080p video capability.
This review from an actual user is really helpful:
Overall, considering the excellent quality of the camera, easy portability, and great price, this camera is worth every penny: