Nikon DSLR's? Which is good for beginners?

I'm getting my first DSLR. I think i want a nikon. What is a good nikon camera for beginers?
i heard a lot about the D40, is it a good camera.

The D40 is an excellent entry level DSLR. Unfortunately it is not currently produced so you would have to buy a used one. They can be had for around $300.
If you want a new Nikon DSLR, I would recommend either the D3100 or D5000. Both are excellent.

I'm not a Nikon user but I also have heard many good things about the 40. However consider this camera as well.
I own one and have had for well over a year - it's just excellent. Be aware however neither of these cameras is a magic bullet to excellent technical quality. There's a learning curve you must respect to learn how to use these cameras to their full advantage. If you're willing to go through it then by all means consider both. If you're not willing then buy a point and shoot that does everything for you.

Just about any DSLR is going to be great for a beginner. I also do not shoot Nikon, but I *highly* suggest saving money for additional lenses. As a novice, you'll get more out of having the appropriate lens for the job more than a high-end DSLR that you don't even understand the features/parameters for.
If money isn't an object, I would buy the highest end entry level camera you can afford, just in case you really get into digital photography.

The D40 is good, but you can't get a new one - it's just so old.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -
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