Good digital cameras for under $150.00?

I heard the Nikon Coolpics was nice…
any other suggestions?
do not say you can't get anything good for cheap, thats bull. Not everything must be expensive.

Sorry I don't care for Nikon in this price range. Try Fuji (best value) then Olympus. My goodness you can buy a Fuji S1800 for about $160.00 on Amazon. Or something similar. I would give Fuji a call to find out what is comapable to the Fuji finepix S1800 or if it is still available 1-800-800-3854 m-f 9am-8pm Est.sat-sun 10am-6pm Est.

I personally think Canon PowerShot SD1300IS is best because its very easy to use, and has all the features of a better camera for less the pirce, its only like 145$
Canon PowerShot SD1300IS

Nikon, Canon, and other major camera brands will be similar across a price point. The biggest difference will be how they are laid out, menus, and secondary features like zoom range, face detection, macro, etc.
I have a 5D, and a couple of Rebels. I still throw my wife's powershot onto my pocket occasionally, and have given one to each of my (adult) kids and my dad (who was quite competent with his 35mm SLR "back in the day").
I've only seen a few problems. Flip up flashes can eventually wear and break the wires leading to the flash. Lenses that extend use small plastic gears.
Comparing two similar cameras, with everything else being equal? Take the optical zoom and multiply it by the total MPixels. The camera with the larger result will give you more useful range.So, a 10mp camera with a 5x zoom (50) would have a better range than a 12mp camera with a 3x zoom (36)
Total MP's is really a non-issue now. 3 mp prints a nice 8"x10" with a little room for cropping and centering.
8mp get you to 24" x 36" (and a print that will cost more than your camera to make!).

$144 for this Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD. Great buy at this price range

Any SD series Canon camera will give you a very decent photo.
NickP is correct. Fuji raised the price a tad, now at $200- +shipping. But the value is still there at that price. I know of no other camera at $200 where you get lots of zoom plus the ability to adjust shutter speed /aperture. You can always leave it on auto.

Well here's why you demanded for, from sony >
dsc w530
from canon
ixus 105/115
get anyone which you can afford, i can vouch for any of them.
you can get decent things at relatively cheap price.