Best P&S cameras under £150 for features and versatility?

I already have a Nikon D5100 DSLR for my hobby photog.
The P&S would be for my environmental auditing uni module where i'll be visiting sites and taking shots of all kinds of things, like buildings, interiors of old warships, building sites and individual objects like boilers and large appliances. Possibly some landscape-style shots too.
Any recommendations on the newer tech? Although it's not gonna be my hobbyist camera i'd still like to get the best bang for my buck.
Added (1). or recommendations for decent cameras that are a bit older but have come down a lot in price

Olympus e-pl1 is a slightly older camera, but is pretty small and has very good image quality, pretty close to your D5100.
But that's not too compact since it has a micro four third sensor. If you need a really tiny camera, you might be able to find a Canon s90, s95 or s100 in that price range.

Nikon P500 or P100 have zoom and has lots of

For what you want to shoot, the dSLR would do great. You can use the dSLR to shoot anything, hobby or not. You don't need a new camera.
That is unless you find the dSLR too bulky to carry all the time or you just don't appreciate what you can do with it.

Your best option is to visit a few camera dealers and ask what they would recommend… Gives you a chance to 'handle' and see first hand how the camera actually behaves… It's also the best way to get the best deal… Sometimes dealers have special in-store offers that will swing you towards buying a particular model or brand…
Take a SD card in to the store with you… And fire off a few shots… You will know by the results you get which is best… And the sales assistant won't try to convince you to buy the camera that gives them their big bonus or the most commission.