Which camera should I take to Egypt?

Need a camera which shows detail and colour
I'm a housewife with a new interest in cameras and pictures. I have just spent the last I hour travelling the world with wonderful pictures seen on Flikr
I keep buying cameras and on my last holiday, everyone was staring when I put 5 cameras on the security belt at the airport as I do not know which camera I should use. I want to achieve good clear pictures of people and street scenes around Egypt. Could you answer the following questions, I would be so grateful.
I. Will my Panasonic FZ8 get similiar quality pictures to a FZ5.
2. The Nikon D60 captures colours beautifully, will my Nikon D200 get similiar pictures or should I buy the D60.
3. Do you know any Canon Slr which really gives crystal clear pictures of people and travel locations.
4. I want to list my cameras, what do you think of them. SONY P200, SONY P100, Canon IXUS 1000, NIKON D200, OLYMPUS E -450 SLR, PANASONIC FZ8,
I want to travel to Egypt and only take 1 camera. What camera should I buy. I like pictures capturing the warmth or emotions in faces, the warm colour of the sea and the temples. I tend to take close up pics and don't not use long lens. Finally, are there any good sites to see peoples pictures with the names of cameras used

If I were going to Egypt - one place on the planet I've always wanted to see, especially Giza, I'd want the best camera I could afford and that would be, for me at least, one I already own - the Canon
t1i (500D). I'd also want the best lens I could afford and that would be what I already have, the
Canon 28-200.
Okay that said consider this. All digital cameras capture colors slightly differently. I always edit my photos, regardless of camera, for, in most cases, saturation and contrast. Both of these functions on editing software bring out color and clarity. I also often edit for sharpness - not much but just enough to bring out the very fine details of a shot… Like this one.
No digital camera made will capture the sky, the yellows and reds the way you see them here.
That's all in post production and is easy to do. However, always save your edited photos under a different file name to always preserve your original.
Anyway that shot I did with my Canon 75-300 at full extension on my t1i at 1/1000 because I hand held the camera and no one can hold a camera steady at 300mm.
There's lots of little tricks you can do. Also, as I did to get the above shot, never take one shot of your subject - never. At the bees and flowers above I shot about 50. If I were standing on Giza, I'd probably shoot hundreds of the pyramids. If I got only one shot I wanted then I've succeeded.
Also think about power. What have you done for battery charging? How many batteries do you plan to buy to take with you - 4, 5? How many memory cards - 10, 12?
If you know what you're doing around a camera any dslr will give you excellent clear photos with the right lens, a tripod and the knowledge to bring everything together.
Good luck - I'm green. I've wanted to visit Giza since I was a little kid but haven't been able to.

You already have the D200. That should be enough. You can always look at pictures done by others but at the end of the day, you decide your own picture quality. Getting great quality pictures is a result of the photographer's ability. The camera is only a tool. Knowing that, it is highly possible to use the D200 and get the same results as the D60 or any Canon dSLR out there if you know exactly what you're doing. Sad to say, it is also highly possible to get point-and-shoot quality pictures with your dSLR (or any dSLR for that matter) if you don't know what you're doing.