Nikon SLR Cameras

SERIOUS problems with my Nikon D300


I've had my D300 for about 10 months. Just reccently, I wanted to take some pictures and went to go get my camera. But when I turned it on, it gave me an error message, saying "lens is not attatched". I have NOT dropped it, the camera is still in perfect, new condition. Someone Please Please Please help me. This camera is my life!

Chris J
Chris J

You should have bought a Canon!

Jim A
Jim A

Pull the lens and gently, and I do mean gently, clean the contacts on both camera body and lens.
Use a micro fiber lens cloth and absolutely no liquids. At times these contacts get dirty and the body and lens can't "talk". That should fix the problem.

If that doesn't do it you may want to consult a pro for advice.


If your camera is still covered by warranty, I suggest you send it in for service and repair.

However if you want to do it yourself, you can try the following (sending for warranty service is preferable)

Detach the lens from the body and clean the contact points carefully. These are the gold colored contact points on the top side of the lens and body. Do this in a room (not outdoors) to minimise dust. Do not clean any other parts of the inside and do not touch the glass on the lens or the mirrors and sensor in the body.

Do the lens first and try it out. Below are link to some images on where to look for the problem areas.

Click on the 3 thumbnails on the right to get an enlarge image and explanation.