Nikon SLR Cameras

I have a Nikon D300 and am having problems figuring it out. Does anyone have suggestions?


I love my Nikon D300, which I purchased a year ago. The instructions seem to be a little confusing on this camera. Was wondering if anyone knew of a place to go to find some better instructions or tutorial videos.


Actually if you take a class in photography, all will be revealed

Those of us who moved from 35 mm SLR cameras to dSLR cameras had NO problems with using the new digital form of camera.

They work just the same, except with the digital SLR we did not have to use colour correction filters to account for changes in colour temperatures under different lighting. That could be done mid shoot using the cameras menu.

Just use the camera in the manual mode and using the cameras light meter, correctly choose the right combination of shutter speed, aperture and ISO to get nearly perfect exposures.

What exactly is confusing?

White balance?
Camera resolution settings?
Continuous auto-focus vs.single auto-focus vs.manual focus?
Choosing which flash sync to use? Rear shutter, redeye reduction?
What exactly do you find confusing?

My guess that a good beginners class in photography would solve most of your confusion

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

A basic knowledge of photography aside. The manual isn't the best work ever published by Nikon. I bought this guide and that was money very well spend

Vintage Music
Vintage Music

You may want to add to your question what you really find confusing the most.
What may help you a lot is Ken Rockwell's Website D300 user's guide.